Oil, Acrylic, Imitation Gold Leaf, Charcoal, Pen, Mineral Pigment on Canvas 

18" x 36"x 1/2" inches

Historically in Iran, a country where criticism often results in severe consequences and even death, poetry becomes the perfect vehicle for freedom of expression. Using subtle metaphors and double-entendres, poets become the voice of the silent masses, transforming them into national heroes.

While Michelangelo and Picasso are revered  in the West; in the East. the delicate beauty of words woven into the tapestry of poetry is often  admired more than visual arts. In Iran, the poetry of Ferdowsi, Rumi, and Khayyam are commonly recited by heart. 

Forough Farokhzad is Iran's iconic poet, and stands as a great source of inspiration. Paying tribute to  Iran's national heroes and specifically to her brave defiance, these paintings are  my homage to the free, unshakable soul of the poet.

All photos in the 'Saint Poet' series are courtesy of Alfonso Corona.